"When I was little..." Pre-school Tig is inevitably facing exciting new experiences, gets worried, withdrawn or whatever, then is reassured by her inseparable toy spider Woolly who comes to life when no-one else can see him to impart reassuring wisdom, and everything is well in her small world again. In fairness it's not surprising Tig gets a bit insecure when she's got her real-life auntie for a mother and a potentially terrifying cuddly toy as her sole comfort in life, and her "mum" and dad are so disparaging at every turn, hardly the best modelling for parents to follow – kind of the anti-Topsy-and-Tim, which veers way too far the other way. But this nonetheless remains live-action formula-based kids' television at its best, and I really won't hear a word against it. — David
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Alex Norton | Granddad |
Betsy McCredie | Tig |
Colin McCredie | Dad |
Jamie Oram | Woolly |
Jenny Ryan | Mum |
Show narrated by: Maisie McCredie
Other voices provided by: Andrew Agnew