Well who’d have guessed, but Rebecca (Let’s Play, Time for School, but let’s quietly forget about that onesie) Keatley has done it again, narrating another nigh-on perfect slice of life. Away from school this time and into the home, following the everyday happenings of several children and their families as they do such exciting things as brushing their teeth, falling over in the park and visiting grandparents. Focussing on one particular child’s perspective per episode surely helps build some kind of empathic bond, especially useful for young viewers needing all the help they can get in seeing appropriate behaviour and social responses modelled. The families portrayed represent an interesting and representative mix of shapes and sizes, including children with step-parents, disabilities and more – all in a constructive light. There’s a bit of a veering towards gender stereotypes, with little girls tending towards hair-styling and baking, but – like it or lump it – the programme is only reflecting the reality of the world, and it makes for some good discussion points! I’m sure our son is not the only child finding these fly-on-the-wall type shows absolutely compelling, usually wanting to watch again immediately – thank goodness for iPlayer, when they keep up anyway! Rebecca’s narration is invariably interested in and sympathetic to what is happening on screen, whilst engaging on an appropriate level with the viewer – exactly as needed. It seems she really can do no wrong. — David

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Show narrated by: Rebecca Keatley