How do I love thee, Octonauts? Let me count the ways: exemplary animation, a goldmine of interesting information (I've learned more about life under the sea from this show than I did in five years of science lessons) and one of the strongest team dynamics in any children's show in years. To all intents and purposes this is a British Star Trek for the under sevens (the central trio even counts the ship's doctor amongst its ranks) – a diverse, well-oiled animal crew roaming the seven seas and only breaking the prime directive when it's for the good of the creatures they're trying to help. There is a whiff of colonialism in Barnacles, but it really doesn't matter – this is wonderful. — James

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Jo WyattTweak
Keith WickhamProfessor Inkling, Shellington
Michael C MurphyTunip
Paul PantingPeso
Rob RackstrawKwazii
Ross BreenCaptain Barnacles
Simon GreenallCaptain Barnacles
Teresa GallagherDashi