Cynics might anticipate a cat-fight as Gemma “Swashbuckle” Hunt appears to muscle in on Rebecca “Just about everything kids’ real-life TV” Keatley’s well-established patch, but the feel of this 2016 addition to the CBeebies line-up is somehow subtly different to Keatley’s Our Family and Time for School, and targets a much younger audience by virtue of its school/nursery-hours time slot. Gem proves herself quite capable of the new role, demonstrating the same motherly gentleness and genuine interest as she does on Swashbuckle, and we can only hope for more of the same as the series progresses. So... Yes, My First presents some typical new experiences for youngsters, seen as far as possible from their own eyes. The series kicks off with a new baby on the way and a boat trip to the Farne Islands, and each episode seems to be a one-off, in comparison with Our Family which follows a child or children for a few episodes. It’s all a bit formulaic and recap-heavy, but given the younger target audience that’s perhaps not a bad thing, and (thanks to iPlayer) our son already finds it as compelling repeat watching as any of the other shows of its ilk. Just whatever you do, don’t mention the dolphins. Oh, sorry... Forget I ever said that. Stop press: The troublesome dolphins have been quietly edited out of the Holiday episode. The BBC listened and acted: there’s a first time for everything! — David
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