Here's the elephant in the room: Mister Maker is clearly on some kind of prescription drug programme. Nothing else quite explains the manic stare, or gesticulations that wouldn't look out of place in an airline safety video. Played with mad brilliance by former sports reporter / puppeteer Phil Gallagher, Mister Maker proves there are few problems in the world that can't be solved with cotton reels and empty cereal boxes. The result is Tony Hart on Prozac – always fun to watch, even if you need a lie down afterwards. Highlights include the far-less-sinister-than-it-sounds Frame It!, and also Minute Make Time, in which Mister Maker produces an ornate piece of carefully crafted junk modelling, promises to make another in sixty seconds and manages it by gluing together a threadbare, undecorated knock-off. Later series – in which Gallagher travels around the UK / world, employing the services of increasingly bored children, who are forced to watch while he does all the work – are best avoided. — James

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Phil GallagherMister Maker