Don’t be put off by the I Can Cook style theme song, or “posh Jess” style hyperactive delivery, this really is preschool science and technology at its best. Maddie Moate is a breath of fresh air as she explains technological and engineering gubbins clearly and appropriately for the young audience – two usually loosely-related themes per show – but strenuously avoiding dumbing down. Even as an adult I’ve learned a thing or two, and not just about imaginative things to try with Maddie’s beloved action camera. Far better to say too much and perhaps inspire some curiosity or further research, than simplify things to the point of deceit as certain other “science show” presenters are inclined. If this represents the shape of things to come for CBeebies’ science and technology coverage, there is hope – and GoPro are surely positively loving the publicity. — David

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Show presented by: Maddie Moate