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Alexander ArmstrongDanger Mouse
Brian BlessedSanta Claus
Dave LambStiletto Mafiosa
Ed GaughanBaron Greenback, Pandaminion, Quark
John OliverDr Augustus P Crumhorn III
Kayvan NovakDr Loo-cifer, Isambard Kingkong Brunel
Kevin EldonPenfold
Lena HeadeyJeopardy Mouse
Lindsey RussellHysteria
Marc SilkNero
Miranda RichardsonQueen of Weevils
Morwenna BanksThe Queen, Dawn
Paul MorgansEvans
Rasmus HardikerCount Duckula, Ian
Richard AyoadeSnowman, Birch Badboy
Richard OsmanProfessor Strontium Jellyfishowitz
Shauna MacdonaldProfessor Squawkencluck, Big Head
Stephen FryColonel K

Show narrated by: Dave Lamb