Talking animals: the staple of children’s television and literature; what could possibly go wrong? Watch Big Barn Farm and find out for yourself. Every time you hope that BBF has been consigned to the dustbin of past flops, it bounces back when you least expect it, and with even worse special effects than ever to simulate the live-action farmyard friends’ talking. Come on, if you want to watch animals doing stupid things, there’s YouTube, and some of the clips on there are even funny, and at least don't usually drag out if they're not. — David

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Ben FairmanDash
Ellie FairmanGobo
Gemma HarveyPetal
Kate O'SullivanMadame, Mrs Snuffles, Mrs Chicken
Shelley LongworthDigger

Show narrated by: Ben Fairman

Other voices provided by: Carla Mendonca, Mike Winsor