About IKTV
What is this IKTV all about, then?
IKTV is a website exploring the connections through voices and actors of children's television shows, spiced up with some light-hearted but where remotely possible affectionate write-ups of the programmes concerned. It is not an authoritative database of children's TV, and for practical reasons mostly features free-to-air shows targeting the younger age group.
How are the connection strengths calculated?
They are derived using a complex formula involving irrational numbers and reticulated splines. Or maybe they're more or less plucked out of thin air. They're really just a bit of a fun, but a connection is a connection nevertheless, even if the strength seems rather arbitrary sometimes, and if you click on the arrow you'll see who connects the shows. In truth, this is a new site and we're refining the formula, so it might become a bit more consistently meaningful in due course!
What does IKTV stand for?
Openness, honesty... Oh, you mean the name? Despite happily coincidental appearances to the contrary, it stands for I Know That Voice, the essential inspiration behind creating this website in the first place.
Who runs it, and can I play too?
The website is created and operated by Goznet Systems, but welcomes contributions (especially write-ups of shows) from all viewers. Please do drop us a line if you'd like to be part of the project or have any other queries. We can also be contacted by post at 28 Pilgrims Close, Farnham, Surrey GU9 8QP.
How do I report an error or complain about a write-up?
Please contact us, but do bear in mind that this website is not intended to be a strait-laced scholarly reference, so write-ups may employ a modicum of humour, sarcasm and hyperbole. However if you really think we've gone too far, do give us a shout.
What's the deal with the images?
Where images, logos etc illustrate shows, they are used and clearly credited in good faith in line with the provisions for fair dealing (criticism or review) as enshrined in United Kingdom copyright law. We do not host images to which we have not been granted rights to use nor make any attempt to pass these images off as our own, and will happily remove or replace any as soon as possible upon reasonable request by the relevant copyright holder.